9 Myths About Chronic Pain and Pain Management

Chronic pain is something millions of people deal with every day, but there’s still a lot of misunderstanding about what it really means. For many, navigating life with chronic pain can feel even harder, thanks to the myths and misconceptions that surround it.

Our East Tennessee pain specialists break down nine of the most common myths about chronic pain and pain management to help clear up the confusion.

What Is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for three or more months, and can stem from injuries, illnesses, or even surgical procedures. Unlike acute pain, which responds to a specific cause, chronic pain can sometimes occur without an apparent reason and lead to both physical and emotional distress.

The Most Common Myths About Chronic Pain and Pain Management

  1. Myth 1: Chronic Pain Is Just in Your Head
  2. Fact: Chronic pain is a legitimate medical condition with physical causes. While mental health can influence pain, it’s not purely psychological. The interplay between the brain, nerves, and body contributes to pain perception, making it a real and often debilitating experience.

  3. Myth 2: Pain Medication Is the Only Solution
  4. Fact: Some think pain management revolves solely around medication. However, treatment typically combines practices like extra corporeal shockwave therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and more to improve overall well-being.

  5. Myth 3: You Have to Stop Being Active
  6. Fact: Contrary to popular belief, staying active with safe, guided exercises can strengthen your muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce pain.

  7. Myth 4: Surgery Is the Best Option for Chronic Pain
  8. Fact: Surgery isn’t always the first or best approach to managing chronic pain. Many patients see improvement with non-surgical methods like physical therapy, injections, and lifestyle changes. Surgical intervention is usually considered a last resort.

  9. Myth 5: Everyone Experiences Pain the Same Way
  10. Fact: Pain is subjective and varies from person to person. Two individuals with the same condition may experience different levels of discomfort based on genetics and pain tolerance.

  11. Myth 6: Chronic Pain Only Affects Older Adults
  12. Fact: While chronic pain is prevalent among older adults, it can also affect children and young adults. Conditions like juvenile arthritis and sports injuries are just a couple of examples of how pain can manifest in younger populations.

  13. Myth 7: If Treatments Don’t Work Immediately, They Won’t Work at All
  14. Fact: Pain relief takes time and a willingness to try different approaches. Some treatments may take time to show results, so staying patient and open to adjusting plans with your licensed pain specialist is important.

  15. Myth 8: Strong Painkillers Are Always Addictive
  16. Fact: Not every patient who uses pain medications will develop an addiction. While some medicines do carry a risk of addiction, pain management specialists carefully monitor treatment plans to minimize this risk and ensure effective relief.

  17. Myth 9: If Doctors Can’t Find a Cause, the Pain Isn’t Real
  18. Fact: Just because a specific medical cause can’t be identified doesn’t mean the pain is imaginary. Many chronic pain conditions remain undiagnosed, and patients have the right to seek treatment even when the source is unclear.

Have Questions? Contact Our East Tennessee Pain Specialists Today!

If you or someone you know is grappling with chronic pain, professional help can make a world of difference. At Grace Point Pain Management, we offer personalized care to meet your unique needs. Call 865-503-6865 today for more information!